Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome Spring?

Photograph courtesy of the ND Department of Emergency Services.
Winter has a difficult time saying goodbye around here.  I'm ready to say goodbye.  We all are.
Audrey and I had planned a fun girls tea party for today to welcome Spring. 
Instead, Audrey's tummy started to hurt and we postponed the party.
Good thing too, she lost her cookies and slept most of the day.
Sammy is feeling off as well.  Hmmmmm.... just another sign that Spring needs to come now.
How did you welcome Spring?
This morning I ran 4 miles.  That is my longest distance so far and I'm excited to continue training for the 10k.  Felt good.  I also have continued to do my morning meditations.  It has been very grounding.
Happy Spring!

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