Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why Practice Thriving? -- You're worth it!

There is a lovely life lesson we can learn from caterpillars. While it is in the chrysalis, it breaks down into something unrecognizable.  Miraculously, it reorganizes into a beautiful, graceful butterfly.    Similarly, life breaks you down, sometimes to the point that you don't recognize yourself or your life. In a moment of despair you may wonder if there is hope.  There is, you can choose to reorganize your life and become a person that doesn't just inch through life but soars!

That is where I feel I'm at in my life.  I feel broken down by all the surgeries and the wear and tear that came from bringing children into the world.  I see pictures of myself and am shocked by how I look. "I'm way cuter than that!" I think to myself.  It isn't just about appearances though, like the caterpillar, I know that I'm divinely capable of so much more.  The caterpillar succumbed to his potential and allowed his divine greatness to transform him.

A caterpillar's potential is to be a butterfly.  As children of God, we each have infinite potential far greater than to wistfully glide about.  What makes us unique is that we each have a specific purpose in life that can bless the lives of those in our sphere. Throughout my life, I have always been drawn to a variety of healing arts.  I feel called to it.  I read a lot and continue to be led to great sources of knowledge that can improve overall health and wellbeing.  I have been blessed to help many of my friends and family.  In recent years, I have lacked discipline to practice all that I preach and improve the quality of my own life and truly thrive.

On this blog, I plan to share with you what I learn as I practice the glorious art of thriving. Hopefully something I share will resonate with you and help you in your practice of thriving.  Life really is a practice.  In sports, we have to practice skills and plays until we get it just right and it becomes effortless to do.  There are certain skills and habits that help build the foundation for people to thrive.  It takes time to form a habit and develop skills.  We must be patient with ourselves.  I must be patient with myself.  I am worth the time it'll take, as are you because we will be more majestic than a butterfly.

Story time: This is my sister (to your left).  She is one of my inspirations of a thriver.  No matter what, she makes life wonderful, beautiful and meaningful.  She consecrates her life to be a blessing to her children, family, friends and coworkers.  I love her for the example that she has always been to me and for the woman that she is. 

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