Thursday, March 7, 2013


Winter is finally coming to a close (even if it'll be awhile before we can tell around here... snow is still all over), and the temperature is now hovering around 19 degrees or so, I feel grateful for what I've learned these past few months.  I'm not sure I can even articulate what exactly I've learned.  The best I can say is that I'm getting more comfortable in my own skin.  I feel hope that my potential is not limited.  I believe and have faith that it is through Christ that I will realize my potential. 

I may not look different from the surface but within my heart, there has been a change.  A seed has been planted.  I'm so looking forward to Spring and all it's beauties.  I am excited to see what Spring will bring for me and my family. 

With the perspective of Winter, Spring is glorious.  We sometimes complain about opposition but without it, we would have no joy.  Winter gives us that gift to appreciate the warmth of Spring and Summer.  Likewise, the "winter" season in our personal lives gives the brighter days more meaning and value. 

I'm grateful to our creator who designed this world in such a way to provide us Seasons to not only enjoy but to teach us deeper lessons on life and happiness.

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