Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not Shrinking with the Welcome of Spring

"... as we confront our own lesser trials and tribulations, we too can plead with the Father, just as Jesus did, that we “might not … shrink”—meaning to retreat or to recoil (D&C 19:18). Not shrinking is much more important than surviving! Moreover, partaking of a bitter cup without becoming bitter is likewise part of the emulation of Jesus."  
- Elder Neal A. Maxwell talk on
I heard that quote this past weekend and it has stayed with me throughout this week.  In an earlier post, I spoke of the deep reflection that comes from the Winter Season.  I have become more aware of where I fall short and what struggles I have the wonderful opportunity to grow from.  Just like farmers and gardeners everywhere are taking this time to make plans for how they are going to do their crops this growing season, I am starting to lay out plans on what I would like to develop during this "growing season".
For March, it is still too cold to go outside, so I'm going to focus on preparing for Spring from the inside.  Here are some things I plan to do this month to help me not "shrink" as I confront this next month:
  • Essentially Spring cleaning.  I'm going to sort through my all the toys in the house and decide with my children which toys to keep and what to set aside for rotation and what needs to be passed on to another child.
  • Sort through all our clothes.  Same idea as the toys; what to keep, what to set aside for Michael and Eliza to grow into and what my babies have outgrown and will need to be passed on or thrown out.
  • Pick cupboards and storage space in my house and decide what to keep and what must go.
  • Continue to help my body heal.  I would like to do a juice fast or something of that kind to help clear my body out before Spring.  It is good to do seasonal cleanses to boost the body's immune system during a seasonal change.  During season transitions is when we often get sick.
  • While I'm prepping my home and body for Spring, I'm going to set more concrete goals for what to accomplish during Spring.  What seeds must I plant?  I will make that decision more definitively this month.
To go back to the quote above, I love this thought of drinking the bitter cup without becoming bitter.  Especially in Fargo where the Winters are long, it is a struggle for us to not get bitter from the bitter cold we feel in January and February.  It is harsh.  We are literally desperate to feel the warmth of the sun.  People are prone to seasonal depression around here from the lack of warmth and light.  Thoughts can turn dark. 
I would say I'm mostly a positive person but I too struggle to stay optimistic when I have been cooped up too long and my pale skin starts to reflect light. I know this quote stretches beyond just seasonal trials and I can apply it to many facets of my life.  For my focus right now, I'm going to choose to not shrink from the darkness of Winter but arise up this Spring happy, refreshed and ready to start a wonderful season of warmth, love and hope.   

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