Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cleaning with Children....

Yesterday, I woke up fired up and ready to have a productive day.  Last weekend was busy and our home took the brunt.  In an effort to restore balance and peace in our home, I grabbed a jar and wrote on strips of paper all the rooms in our house.  Then I had every take a turn pulling out a room and then we'd go and clean.

Eliza drew the guestroom!  Woohoo!  That room had turned into a last minute "I'll just stick that in the guestroom and figure out what to do with it later" room.  With the kids help, we had that room in beautiful order in 15 minutes or so.

Audrey drew the upstairs bathroom.  Of we go, Audrey cleaned the cabinets.  Eliza and Samuel helped scrub the tub.  I organized and restored order while helping everyone with their various tasks.  In what felt like no time, our bathroom was shining and beautiful.

Samuel drew the kitchen.  Wowsers.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the kitchen can fall apart.  Sammy was a bit overwhelmed by this job.  So, why I cleaned an organized the kitchen, Audrey and Sammy switched off doing the dishes and picking up trash.  I set the timer for 5 minutes and when the buzzer went off, they swapped jobs.  It worked out pretty well.  I was happy with getting it cleaned and just mortified by how quickly we look like utter slobs.  Not anymore though.

I then drew the Family Room.   In no time, we restore order.
Michael (with my help) drew the living room.  By this point, the kids were not as excited and it was more of my show but it got done.

I can't complain.  We got a lot done and my favorite part was that we did it together (mostly).  Felt good.  Spring is coming. 

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