Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ebbs and Flows

Learning to thrive when everyone (including myself) got the stomach bug in my family is challenging.  It is a struggle for me to thrive when we're all well.  This past week, we were in maintenance mode, just trying to keep everyone comfortable while this bug passed through us.  Also, quarantining ourselves in order to not share the love. 

Sunday was the first day we stepped out and it was so nice.  I gave a talk in church.  It had been a long time since I last spoke in church.  They asked me a couple weeks in advance so I had a lot of time to study, ponder, prayer and organize my thoughts in a coherent talk.  That would probably be the gift of us laying low last week.  I had to time to think about what matters most in my heart.

What matters most to me is my faith in God and His plan of happiness for all His children.  In my goals to thrive, I've mostly focused on physical health and taking care of my home.  This ebbs and flows as does my spiritually connection to my Father in Heaven.  One thing I do know for myself is that if I don't continue to stay close to the Lord, the rest won't matter.  I feel my best (even with the chaos around me) when my spirit feels strong and healthy.

Of course, how I care for my body and environment effect my spirit too.  There must be balance.  That balance will come as I set my life is order and do what is most important first. 

Anyway, just wanted to drop a quick note.  Off to read scriptures with my family and say our prayers together.  A habit that we have grown to love to do together and it has strengthened our bonds to one another as a family.

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