Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Relaxing atmosphere

Quick recap: Within the last two weeks, we got home from UT (an 18 hour drive), had to stop because Jared and I had the stomach flu.  Eventually got home around 11pm.  Church in the morning.  Then last minute preparation for Christmas.  Do Christmas Eve.  Do Christmas day. Everyone is still sick from colds and residual flu symptoms.

Our bedroom was hit hard!!!
A lot of laundry needed to be done or just put away.
Being in my room completely stressed me out.  I can't relax in a room like this.  Can you?
Story time:  That little girl you see.  She peed on our bed a couple days ago.  Aside from adding more laundry to our huge pile.  It takes awhile to get the mattress to air dry.  Just incase you have been in the same situation, I highly recommend keeping on hand Nature's Miracle.  Go to Petsmart to find it.  It is intended for animals but works just as well for children that are potty training.  It helps remove the odor and stain from whatever they "landed" on.  Great stuff.  Helps with vomit too. :)

To start the New Year right, I decided that all our bedrooms needed to be in order.  Everyone worked hard on their own rooms.  We all agreed that it feels good to have a clean space. (Isn't the carpet in our bedroom awesome?)
I wish I could say that this didn't take any time at all but between meeting the needs of all my children, this was a day event.  Totally worth it.

When our rooms are clean, it allows our minds to open up to insight, loving and organized thought, a calm spirit and good dreams.

I've been playing with a theory in my mind.  Typically, I put all my attention towards cleaning the rooms in my house that are visible to guests and the bedrooms get neglected.  During this month, I'm going to make a priority to keep all our bedrooms clean before any other room.  The reason behind this is I'm wondering if by keeping my room clean and improving my sleep, I'll wake up more refreshed and ready to take on my day.  A natural byproduct will be that I'll have the energy to keep the rest of my house in order.  Worth a shot right?  I'll keep you posted on how this goes. 
May we all be blessed with rejuvenating sleep tonight.


  1. Having a clean and organized house definitely makes life feel less chaotic. It's hard to maintain though even for a neat freak like me! lol

  2. You might enjoy reading Papa's Wife by Thyra Ferre Bjorn. It's a lovely story on its own, but one of the themes is how hard her mother works to keep an clean and orderly home. She says it's a reflection of your spiritual help. She paid special attention to scrubbing the corners in the kitchen floor because dirty corners were a sign that the person was spiritually sloppy, had dirty corners in her life.

    1. That sounds interesting. I'll have to see if the library has it. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm sure there is a lot of truth to that.

    2. If they don't have it, I can lend you my copy. I think you'll like it.

  3. Doing chores and keeping our house clean was how my mom taught us to work hard so we could play hard. Growing up in modern day suburbia, we didn't have hard farm chores that we had to be up with the sun to do - but I did learn the finer points of privileges and consequences by having certain cleanliness expectations. The lesson was, "First do the work - then reap the reward". Somewhere over time, the work of it became enjoyable. I suppose the reward of having things around me feel neat and organized, helps me to feel the same way. It's peaceful and calming...even if there happens to be a peanut butter and jelly faced toddler bounding off the back of the living room couch.
