Monday, January 14, 2013


I teach Sunday School at church for the 15-17 year old youth.  We've been talking lately about looking for Heavenly Father's hand in our lives.  It is something we have to seek to find because He is always there but we don't always take the time to see and recognize the source of blessings and His great work in our lives. 

In honor of turning 30, I thought I'd post thirty blessings that I have felt in my life.  I know there is far more than thirty but we'll start there. :)

1 & 2) I was blessed to be the product of my parents love and their great hope to have another daughter. :)  
I have had a lot of wonderful mother and father figures in my life.  But I always knew these two people were the only ones
that could raise me.  My Dad taught me how to ask lots of questions and be open-minded to all perspectives of life and belief
systems.  My Mother taught me to stop and think about others feelings and treat people with love no matter what.  They are also
a tremendous example of love and dedication to each other in their marriage.  I love them so much!!!  They love life and people
and passed that down to me.
4 Big Brothers
3. Sam (the second in from the right):  My big brother that has always been my protector.  He has shown unconditional love
towards me all my life.  He cheers me on in all I do.  He has been an example of real "manliness" and is a source of strength
in my life. I love him!
4. Evan (far left):  Evan is one fun dude!  Out of everyone in my family, he is the most Christ-like.  He always brought a
stranger home for Thanksgiving because he didn't want them to be alone.  Or he'd pull over to chat with a homeless person
and make sure they knew that they were important.  He is very respective of people and accepting them for where they are now
and not judging or backbiting.  I love him for it.
5. Tom (far right): Tom is extremely honest and will always tell me how it is.  Like in high school, he informed me that
I was getting a mustache.  Not our finest hour together.  I was very emotional about it and locked myself in the bathroom. 
He sat outside the bathroom and did everything he could to help me feel better.  He was doing me a favor that if he noticed, 
others would too.  Which is true.  I toughened up and was grateful to have someone point out the obvious.  Tom was also my 
nurse whenever I was sick.  He took the time to make sure I was comfortable and had what I needed.  Also, he's hilarious. 
I love him for it.
6. James (the second in from the left):  James has taught me to love people for who they are.  He is everyone's friend and
willing to help whenever or wherever needed.  James has a big, tender heart.  Even though he doesn't dance much anymore, 
he was my dancing buddy in high school.  We had so much fun together.  He also brought over good looking friends for me 
to stare at.  That wasn't his intention but I sure appreciated it. :)  I love him.
7. Norma:  My one and only sister.  She's the one that had to deal with the younger siblings and our craziness.
She is a very conscientious person and made a deliberate effort to always have a presence in my life since she
left for college when I was 4.  She has given me wonderful opportunities and experiences.  She has shared with
me her life so I could learn from her experiences.  She has let me claim her children and love them like my own.
She has loved my children like they are her own.  She has always been my friend and ally in life.  I love her and
respect her for the outstanding human being that she is. 
I'm so grateful that I was born into a large family.  It was such a blessing to have such unique individuals that taught me
so much.  I must also point out that I have been blessed with extraordinary sisters in-law.  Kelli, Carrie, Krisha and
Catherine are amazing women.  I'm so grateful that my family doesn't speak ill of anyone in our family.  We love every
one and treat our sisters in-law like blood.  My brothers did extremely well in choosing their wives and I'm glad these
fine women thought they were worth it. :)

8. Jared:  Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed in a husband.  He knew I'd need someone consistent, hardworking,
modest, dashingly handsome, disciplined, quietly serves others, good to the core!!!!  Together we are like a Yin Yang. 
When we are at our best, we create harmony and balance.  I love his face.  I love his smile.  I love his butt (hehe). 
I love his heart.  I love his spirit.  He's mine
 The Hall Family
9 & 10) Jared's parents: John and Sarah --- I met them before I met Jared.  I was so impressed with this extremely quiet family. 
Jared and his siblings all have amazing work ethics, academic scholars, musically talented, strong in the Gospel and loyalty to
their families.  A tribute to the parents that raised them.  They continue to love and support their children as they are now all
grown.  Sarah and I have been friends from the beginning and I count myself blessed to get along so well with her. She makes
me laugh, a lot!
11. I can honestly say that I feel blessed to know all of Jared's siblings and siblings in-law.  I enjoy watching how they interact. 
It's much more cerebral than my upbringing.  They have traditions that that keep them close like ice cream, football, politics, etc...
12. Jared's sister, Rachel is a woman I greatly admire and love.  She is such an inspiration to me for her dedication to always grow as
a person and take care of her family. I love all of Jared's sisters in-law.  We seem to be cut from the same mold and always have a
party.  I respect all these fine ladies.
13. All my nieces and nephews.  I became an Aunt when I was 10 years old.  I have fallen in love with all those sweet children
(some of those sweet children are now independent college students).  I see the hand of God in all them.  They have such greatness
to each of them and the love and joy our family experiences just grows exponentially. Jared and I share 20 nieces and nephews.
What strength our family has in numbers.

 14. Audrey is a piece of work.  She is going to make me a better person whether I like it or not. She made me a mother.  She has
a sensitivity to right and wrong and trying to decide where she fits.  I'm impressed with her thoughtful nature as she strives to
figure out what she'll fight for.  I have no doubt she will be a force for great good.

15. Samuel is my little love bug.  He continues to soften our hearts with his tender expression of love through hugs, kisses and
us that we're the best.  He is so important to us.  He shows love to each and every one of us and always expresses his thanks for
all of us by name in his prayers.  In every prayer.  It is humbling and sweet to see his wonderful example.

16.  Eliza is a bossy boots.  But I find that she is more often than not correct.  She knows what we should be doing and is more
than happy to set us straight.  I love her.

17. Michael is still so young to really show us what we're up for but so far he has just filled us with such love and joy. He has united
the children in a way that melts my heart.  I see a group of children complete in their needs for support from each other.  They
all have a place and are all very important.  I'm so grateful to see His hand in the lives of my children and in our family as a whole.

18. Friends.  I can't mention them all but I have truly been blessed with friends that been patient with me as I continue to grow
and learn and relearn life lessons.  They inspire me with their unique passions and interests.  They have inspired me with their
many talents.  They have blessed me with their honest words and feedback to help me grow as a person.  I love them all.

19.  Strangers.  That may seem strange but I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life through strangers.  They have come into
my at critical times and have served me or said something that was divinely inspired.  They have shaped my course in life in a
way that I'll always be grateful for.

20. Neighbors.  I've been blessed with neighbors that I'm astonished by how well they keep track of me and everyone else.  They
exemplify "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself".  I've received phone calls and words of encouragement at times that only my Father
above would know I need.

21. Massage Therapy - I wanted to be a massage therapist since I was 8.  That was all I ever wanted to do and the Lord made it
possible for me to go to one of the top schools in the Nation.  He provided employment for my parents and put me in a
wonderful environment to grow and prepare to be trained in massage therapy and other healing arts.  He set the course long before
I knew what was going to happen.

22. Missionary service - I mentioned being a missionary already before.  But in regards to seeing the hand of God in my life.  Being
a missionary allowed me to truly be an instrument in His hands.  It was amazing to hear words coming out of my mouth that wasn't
from me but was exactly what someone needed to hear.  Or to be directed to visit someone and to later learn that I was an answer
to prayer.  That experience taught me so much about the person I want to be and how I want to always be on His errand to love
and serve others.

23. Marriage -  I saw the Lord's hand in my marriage before it was even official.  He continues to put a lot of energy in building
and strengthening my marriage.  I will have sweet tender mercies reminding me of how Jared and I are suppose to be together. 
The Lord has a work for us to do together and I'm excited to see what He wants to do with us.

24. Motherhood.  It's amazing the love I feel.  I've always had a lot of love but motherhood has taken it to a whole new level.
I can feel angels ministering to me and my children.  I can feel the Lord guiding me in how to raise each child to meet their
specific needs.  I'm humbled by just how much I have to step aside and let the Lord do what He does best. 

25. Health.  Especially in recent years, I have felt a steady urge to learn about what is healthy for our bodies.  I can feel the Lord
leading me and teaching me what I need to know to take care of the tabernacle that houses my spirit.

26. Nature.  I grew up in a gorgeous area in California.  It was picturesque.  I now live in Fargo across the street from a
beautiful park and river.  Nature always makes me think of my creator and that He made all this to bring us joy.  To show us what
He's capable of.  If He can turn Winter into Spring.  I know He can do something remarkable with me.

27. Music.  I can feel God's love through music.  It soothes my soul and I often am inspired to do something or write something down because of music. 

28. Books.  There is truth everyone.  God will show himself in all things and I keep finding Him in science books, nutrition books, health books and of course... religious books.  I am inspired in so many ways.

29. My country.  I'm so grateful to be an American.  I believe our country was founded by inspired men called of God to form
this great nation.  I continue to see His hand as families all over this nation prayer to have our country stay strong and be
protected from evil.  That is my prayer as well.

 30.  Lastly, but definitely not least.... temples.  Jared and I were married in the temple pictured.  Our marriage was sealed
and if we continue to follow Christ, our marriage will be eternal and our children will be ours always.  That promise
strengthens me and fortifies me to be the best I can be for them and for myself.  When Audrey was born, I felt the
magnitude of that sealing power and knew it wasn't just something sweet we do in the temple.  There is power in this
Priesthood ordinance.  I can feel the Lord blessing us and helping us to be successful.  My prayer is that we will make it
together as a family.  That is joy!

Great 30 years of life and I'm so excited for the next 30 years.  As long as I have my health, bring on the gray hair and wrinkles.
And I totally welcome menopause.  hehehe!

*I'm sure this has many spelling errors.  I apologize.  I have a birthday dinner to attend. :)  I love you, all!