Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Get That Body Movin!!! part 1

I feel a bit sheepish talking about exercise when I'm clearly not an example of it.  Exercise is important for many reasons.  Since I've been focusing on improving my sleep, I have noticed that the days I take time to workout and get a really good sweat are also the nights I sleep extremely well. 

There are a few different types of exercises I enjoy doing.  The first I'll tell you about is a program I've told everyone around me about already.  It is T-Tapp.  This exercise program is rehabilitative and strengthens all the core muscles that support proper structural alignment.  There are no weights.  You don't jump up and down.  It helps get your lymphatic system pumping.  T-Tapp is geared towards helping you lose inches off your body.  The scale may go up because you are actually building a lot of muscle. 

The workout is extremely comprehensive so I recommend reading the book.  I bought it from the website.  A friend of mine tried to order it off amazon and it ended up being more expensive because   

they just get it from the website.  The workout is intense and you have to think about doing many things all at once which is wonderful with keeping your brain healthy and active.  I absolutely love T-Tapp. My body feels great after I do just 15 minutes of it.  If my spine feels off, I can do this workout and my spine adjusts itself so I rarely need to see a chiropractor anymore.  Nice huh? (I do love the chiropractor though) 

They have a bunch of videos.  These DVDs aren't about to win awards for entertainment at all.  It took me a bit to adjust to how 80's it is BUT you will see results.  If you're looking for something different to try.  This is great.  The first time I followed the program, I lost 36 inches off my body in 20 weeks. 

The website has a bunch of little workout video clips for you to try it out before you buy any DVDS.  Oh and you don't have to do this every day.  For some reason, giving your body a break from T-Tapp every other day or every two days will give you better results as your muscles repair between workouts.  Let me know what you think if you try it.

Story Time: My sister bought me this doll for my birthday.  I apologize if it is offensive.  You see, my Grandma had a few swear words that she deemed appropriate when the situation called for it.  This was one.  For whatever reason, this word warms my heart.  Probably because I adore my Grandmother.  She was such a great lady and this was just a funny quirk of hers that made us love her all the more.  Anyway, after getting this, Audrey was having a rough moment and was extremely frustrated.  So I told her that this was a doll she could hit against the wall or couch.  I didn't tell her the name of the doll and she can't read yet.  I fully expected that she'd be thrilled to hit this thing around.  But no.  She said to me, "I don't want to hit that doll around Mom, I just need to drink some water."  Hahaha!  In my post on Water and Sleep, I said I trained them to drink water because it helps with everything. She knows it is true. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Marvia! My brother sent some Dammit Dolls back from his deployment (they had been sent to troops overseas) and my kids each have one. I love Audrey's need for water, though. That's awesome!
