Monday, January 7, 2013

Water and Sleep

Whenever I do massage and/or talk to my clients, the first thing I recommend to them is drink lots of water.  It is usually my answer for everything.  If my children are sad or hurt, they now ask for water because I usually offer it to them to help them calm down and because our body needs it.  Lots of it!

We should be drinking at least half our body weight in ounces.  So, if you weigh 140 lbs, drink 70 oz of water.  Often times when we have headaches, or our body aches and is restless, it is a sign that it needs water. 

Water helps us think better, feel better and sleep better.  Some people hate to drink water because they don't like having to use the restroom so much.  Well, that is a price we pay for health.  We can also train our bladder to hold longer.

There is much I could say on this subject.  My focus right now is on improving my sleep.  To improve your sleep, avoid eating anything at least a hour before bedtime (two is better) and drink lots of water or have tea before bedtime.  It will help your body prepare to detox and cleanse while you're sleeping.  Your muscles will have the lubrication they need to relax and not fidget.  Your mind will be more settled.  It will also help drop some weight. :)

If you aren't accustomed to drinking water at night, there may be an adjustment period where you have to get up to use the bathroom.   Prepare yourself for this by putting a nightlight in the bathroom so you don't have to wake your body up too much to use the restroom.  Try to stay as sleepy as possible.

So go get yourself a nice big glass of water and drink up!!!  I'm going to do that right now and get ready for some shut eye.  Sleep well!

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