Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today I THRIVED!!!!

My children are finally on the mend after a very long run of cold/flu symptoms being passed around between them over and over again.  We were oiling it up the whole time, trying to keep warm, sipping tea but this bug really held on. 

Today was just lovely.  Here's a list of what me and my children accomplished today:
  • scripture study
  • practicing piano
  • reading lesson
  • Sammy and I worked on writing his name (he likes to write BIG 'S's to fill the page)
  • Eliza worked on her alphabet puzzle singing the alphabet song with Audrey and me
  • We all had fun playing with Michael and making him laugh.  He loves to laugh and we love to hear him laugh.
  • LOTS of puzzles
  • Kids cleaned their rooms (there actually wasn't much to clean thankfully)
  • My room stayed clean
  • Laundry folded and put away (Audrey and Sammy put their clothes away with my direction)
  • Minimal TV (we've been watching way too much TV because of illness and everyone feeling drained... I've weaning them off and it is so nice!)
  • Lots of books were read
  • Art Project
  • Kitchen cleaned
  • Dinner made
  • Oh!!!  I ran 25 minutes straight on the treadmill without taking a break.  That is HUGE for me!!!  HUGE!!!
  • Kids were wonderful about picking up and helping keep the house in order (it isn't perfect but nice)
  • I had to make a difficult phone call that gave me a lot of stress because I was anticipating the worst.  Thankfully my prayers were heard and the conversation was actually a breeze.  I got off the phone and was just about to break down and cry from gratitude.  I knelt down and thanked my Father above for giving me strength.  The experience made me feel empowered to overcome all things.  (That is probably why I ran for so long, it was just after that phone call)

Story Time: The kids and I had so much fun doing this little art project.  It's called snow painting and I found the idea and recipe off a cool blog today. You just use shaving cream and glue in equal parts. The texture after it dries is really cool.  Super easy. Eliza was going crazy with the paint. It was getting all over the table.  Audrey decided to join Eliza's party as well and just started painting her hands and rubbing it on the table.  From this party I learned that snow paint cleans up very easily!!!!  Sammy was much more careful with the paint and didn't have much interest in getting messy with it like his sisters. Tomorrow we're going to string up our artwork and display it across the window for us to enjoy while it's horrifically cold outside.

Stay warm and sleep well tonight!



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