Friday, January 25, 2013

I Need to quiet my mind...


There are many methods to help quiet the mind.  You can do deep breathing, visualizations, meditation, music, or journaling, etc..  All are wonderful methods that I enjoy doing.  Another option is a product I love and use if I'm stressed, headachy and restless is a "Still Point Inducer".  I've had one for years.  There is no way I could explain this in my own words and do it justice, so I'll just share with you what it says on the back of the packaging.

"The Still Point Inducer was inspired by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger, develop of CranioSacral Therapy.  It helps relieve pain and discomfort by creating a pause called a still point to strengthen the central nervous system.  Use this effective product every day to help alleviate problems with infection, congestion, headaches, musculoskeletal problems, or whenever you want to release stress and unwind.
"'Cerebrospinal fluid bathes and flushes every cell of the brain.  It carries in nutrients, washes away waste products, and helps control pH (acid) levels.  Since CranioSacral Therapy and the proper daily use of the Still Point Inducer enhances the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, it becomes an effective health enhancer for your brain and spinal cord."' - Dr. John Upledger

 Part of my initial training in massage school was craniosacral therapy.  It is one of my favorite modalities.  It takes me to a level of relaxation that I don't normally reach while sleeping.  When a session is done and I finally come back to earth, my brain feels clear and open and all is well is the world.  It's truly a lovely feeling. 

In the description, it mention that the Still Point is a pause in the craniosacral rhythm.  Through research, they've discovered that when a person reaches Still Point, their body goes into therapeutic mode and accelerates the healing process. 

If you are strapped for cash and can't buy one.  Just put two tennis balls in a sock and tie it so the tennis balls can't move at all.  That is a great and effective alternative. 

Directions for Use: 
1. Choose a comfortable surface -- sofa, bed or floor -- ad lie on your back.
2. Place the Still Point Inducer under your head in line with the top of your ears (about 2 to 3 inches above the junction of your neck and skull).
3. Allow the weight of your head to rest on the Still Point Inducer. 
4. Close your eyes and relax.
5. Feel free to use the Still Point Inducer for 10-15 minutes up to four time a day.

Story Time: My dear Audrey when she first saw the Still Point Inducer, she thought it looked like a pair of breasts.  It is so hard for me to not burst out laughing because I catch her putting it under her shirt and checking herself out in the mirror.  Or she'll walk around with it over her chest and boy does she giggle when she sees that I've caught her.  Funny girl.  When I was a little girl, I just used socks. :)
Time for a cup of tea and use my Still Point Inducer. 
Good night!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Get That Body Movin!!! Part 2

Part of my quest to improve sleep has been exercise.  To keep things interesting, I mix up what type of exercise I do during the week.  We own a treadmill.  Last year, I could barely run on it.  It completely tired me out.  My lungs could hardly take the exertion.  I'd poop out and just walk for awhile.  Running has always made me aware of how mentally and physically weak I am.  Not a great feeling.

Within the last few months, I've been slowly building up my stamina.  At first I really had no idea what I was doing (still don't).  I'd just play around with speeds and challenge myself to go a minute at 5 mph (I know that sound pathetic but that was where I was at).  Then I tried to see if I could go 2 minutes at 5 mph and so on.  Then I'd peak at 7 mph (which is still pretty crazy and intense for my short fat legs).  I've been amazed at how well my lungs are adjusting to longer intervals of running.  I've gone 5 minutes at 6 mph.  :)

Lately, I've been going 5 minutes walking at 4 mph to warm up. Then I would alternate 5 minutes going 5 mph and then 5 minutes walking at 4 mph.  Then I'd throw in 6 mph for  5 minutes.  Or I'd go an extra 30 seconds running here and there.  My initial goal was to go just 20 minutes.  Now I go until I hit 3 miles (which takes more than 30 minutes for me right now). 

Yesterday, as I showed on my list of accomplishments, I ran 25 minutes going 5 mph (a little over 2 miles).  I felt so empowered.  Then I walked for 15 minutes to get that final mile.  I was somewhat disappointed that I stopped running so quickly because my shins started to tighten and my legs felt very heavy.  For those of you that run, why did my legs feel so heavy? 

I stretched for awhile afterwards.  It actually felt good. My lungs weren't about to burst which is INCREDIBLE!!!!!  Today, I just ran a mile (took a little less than 12 minutes) and then cooled down for a couple minutes.  I hear you are suppose to have days where you run less.  Is that correct?  Let me point out that I said I "just" ran a mile.  What is happening to me?  It wasn't that long ago (like last week) that running a mile straight seemed daunting.

I know there are tons of websites with suggested training programs.  I'm not sure which is right for me.  I've just been listening to my body and trying to challenge myself here and there.  My goal is to run in a 5K on St. Patrick's Day.  I'm pretty excited about that. 

My big goal which I'm nervous to share on here because that means I'm committing myself is to run a 10K at the Fargo Marathon.  EEK!  I figure if I'm able to go 3 miles now even if it's not all running, I should be able to do a 10K by spring.  Right? 

Any tips on building endurance and speed is welcome.  What are you doing to keep your body moving? Another question, I have no complaints about my running shoes now but I think I may need to buy a new pair sometime soon.  How much time do you need to break a pair of shoes in before a race?  The back of my ankles are prone to blistering and bleeding in a new pair of shoes.  Eww.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today I THRIVED!!!!

My children are finally on the mend after a very long run of cold/flu symptoms being passed around between them over and over again.  We were oiling it up the whole time, trying to keep warm, sipping tea but this bug really held on. 

Today was just lovely.  Here's a list of what me and my children accomplished today:
  • scripture study
  • practicing piano
  • reading lesson
  • Sammy and I worked on writing his name (he likes to write BIG 'S's to fill the page)
  • Eliza worked on her alphabet puzzle singing the alphabet song with Audrey and me
  • We all had fun playing with Michael and making him laugh.  He loves to laugh and we love to hear him laugh.
  • LOTS of puzzles
  • Kids cleaned their rooms (there actually wasn't much to clean thankfully)
  • My room stayed clean
  • Laundry folded and put away (Audrey and Sammy put their clothes away with my direction)
  • Minimal TV (we've been watching way too much TV because of illness and everyone feeling drained... I've weaning them off and it is so nice!)
  • Lots of books were read
  • Art Project
  • Kitchen cleaned
  • Dinner made
  • Oh!!!  I ran 25 minutes straight on the treadmill without taking a break.  That is HUGE for me!!!  HUGE!!!
  • Kids were wonderful about picking up and helping keep the house in order (it isn't perfect but nice)
  • I had to make a difficult phone call that gave me a lot of stress because I was anticipating the worst.  Thankfully my prayers were heard and the conversation was actually a breeze.  I got off the phone and was just about to break down and cry from gratitude.  I knelt down and thanked my Father above for giving me strength.  The experience made me feel empowered to overcome all things.  (That is probably why I ran for so long, it was just after that phone call)

Story Time: The kids and I had so much fun doing this little art project.  It's called snow painting and I found the idea and recipe off a cool blog today. You just use shaving cream and glue in equal parts. The texture after it dries is really cool.  Super easy. Eliza was going crazy with the paint. It was getting all over the table.  Audrey decided to join Eliza's party as well and just started painting her hands and rubbing it on the table.  From this party I learned that snow paint cleans up very easily!!!!  Sammy was much more careful with the paint and didn't have much interest in getting messy with it like his sisters. Tomorrow we're going to string up our artwork and display it across the window for us to enjoy while it's horrifically cold outside.

Stay warm and sleep well tonight!



Monday, January 21, 2013

An alternative to Tylenol...

This weekend, Sammy and Michael both had high fevers.  My gut sometimes wants to rush to the cabinet and pull out Tylenol.  Fevers are a way for the body to help fight off whatever is causing havoc in the system.  It shouldn't be stopped unless it gets to high. 

What I decided to do for my boys since they both had colds and coughs was to use a couple Essential Oils to help with all of their symptoms. 


Among many things, Eucalyptus helps with any respiratory problem and opens up nasal air passages.  It also cools down the system when a fever gets too high.

Peppermint also has a wide range of uses but I chose to use it for the boys because it also helps with the three things I mentioned above with Eucalyptus.  The other reason why I wanted to use Peppermint is because it magnifies all other oils you use.  It takes the power up a notch or two. 

For Michael, I just used a drop per foot and rubbed the oils all around his toes.  In Reflexology, toes are related to the head, sinuses, etc.  I also rubbed in the balls of his feet where the lung reflexes are.  His fever came down fairly quickly afterwards.  He's still fighting this cough that has turned more asthmatic.  For that, I use our nebulizer and have him breath saline solution.  That helps.

I did the same protocol with Samuel and I also put the oil on his chest as well.  (I put Frankincense on Michael's chest because it breaks up mucus and helps with respiratory needs)

I love having natural solutions to help my children heal. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

What do you do?

For 3 weeks, I've been working on improving my sleep.  So far, I see improvement in the quality of my sleep.  One area that is such a challenge for me (I'd LOVE your feedback), is what to do when my kids crawl in bed with us.  They don't want Jared.  They want me.  Usually it is just one or two of them that find their way into our bed. 

I wish I had a picture of us this morning.  You'll just have to imagine it. Between 2 and 3am, I had Audrey tucked under my left arm.  Samuel had his head under the covers with his feet by my face and his body smashed against my right side.  Then Eliza decided to join the party and laid on top of me.  Without exception they all want to be next to me.  As much as I love to snuggle my babies, this interrupts my sleep and I have a more difficult time waking up in the morning feeling refreshed. 

I carried all the kids back to bed and resumed sleeping and it worked out alright BUT how do I help them be comfortable staying in their bed all night?  Or do I just tell them they have to sleep on the floor?  Or do I lock my door?  Every night we talk to them about staying in their beds.  Sometimes they listen and other times, they all want me. 

As a child, I loved sleeping in my parents bed.  Being near my Mom was comforting.  I don't want to take that away from my children.  I also don't want to get kicked in the face. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Get That Body Movin!!! part 1

I feel a bit sheepish talking about exercise when I'm clearly not an example of it.  Exercise is important for many reasons.  Since I've been focusing on improving my sleep, I have noticed that the days I take time to workout and get a really good sweat are also the nights I sleep extremely well. 

There are a few different types of exercises I enjoy doing.  The first I'll tell you about is a program I've told everyone around me about already.  It is T-Tapp.  This exercise program is rehabilitative and strengthens all the core muscles that support proper structural alignment.  There are no weights.  You don't jump up and down.  It helps get your lymphatic system pumping.  T-Tapp is geared towards helping you lose inches off your body.  The scale may go up because you are actually building a lot of muscle. 

The workout is extremely comprehensive so I recommend reading the book.  I bought it from the website.  A friend of mine tried to order it off amazon and it ended up being more expensive because   

they just get it from the website.  The workout is intense and you have to think about doing many things all at once which is wonderful with keeping your brain healthy and active.  I absolutely love T-Tapp. My body feels great after I do just 15 minutes of it.  If my spine feels off, I can do this workout and my spine adjusts itself so I rarely need to see a chiropractor anymore.  Nice huh? (I do love the chiropractor though) 

They have a bunch of videos.  These DVDs aren't about to win awards for entertainment at all.  It took me a bit to adjust to how 80's it is BUT you will see results.  If you're looking for something different to try.  This is great.  The first time I followed the program, I lost 36 inches off my body in 20 weeks. 

The website has a bunch of little workout video clips for you to try it out before you buy any DVDS.  Oh and you don't have to do this every day.  For some reason, giving your body a break from T-Tapp every other day or every two days will give you better results as your muscles repair between workouts.  Let me know what you think if you try it.

Story Time: My sister bought me this doll for my birthday.  I apologize if it is offensive.  You see, my Grandma had a few swear words that she deemed appropriate when the situation called for it.  This was one.  For whatever reason, this word warms my heart.  Probably because I adore my Grandmother.  She was such a great lady and this was just a funny quirk of hers that made us love her all the more.  Anyway, after getting this, Audrey was having a rough moment and was extremely frustrated.  So I told her that this was a doll she could hit against the wall or couch.  I didn't tell her the name of the doll and she can't read yet.  I fully expected that she'd be thrilled to hit this thing around.  But no.  She said to me, "I don't want to hit that doll around Mom, I just need to drink some water."  Hahaha!  In my post on Water and Sleep, I said I trained them to drink water because it helps with everything. She knows it is true. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bare bones...

Despite a wonderful weekend, reality is ever present.  Eliza is feeling better and now Sammy's working the cold and cough.  In winter, illness feels cyclical.  At least that is how it seems at this stage in our family.  We all rested a lot to day and I just focused on the bare bones of life. 

With that said, I'm proud to say all our bedrooms are clean. We read a lot of books.  We watched some shows together. My children went to bed without complaint.  I'm sipping chamomile tea.  My mind is preparing to shut down to maintenance mode and let my body do it's rejuvenating magic.  Sounds wonderful. 

Story time: Sam and Eliza took naps today to help combat their lingering colds.  Samuel asked me why this was important.  The following is my attempt to explain this concept to a 4 year old boy.  I said, "Our blood has white blood cells that are like little soldiers to fight off all germs and bugs that get into our body to make us sick.  When you sleep, it allows these soldiers to work extra hard to help your body win the battle."  That seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I teach Sunday School at church for the 15-17 year old youth.  We've been talking lately about looking for Heavenly Father's hand in our lives.  It is something we have to seek to find because He is always there but we don't always take the time to see and recognize the source of blessings and His great work in our lives. 

In honor of turning 30, I thought I'd post thirty blessings that I have felt in my life.  I know there is far more than thirty but we'll start there. :)

1 & 2) I was blessed to be the product of my parents love and their great hope to have another daughter. :)  
I have had a lot of wonderful mother and father figures in my life.  But I always knew these two people were the only ones
that could raise me.  My Dad taught me how to ask lots of questions and be open-minded to all perspectives of life and belief
systems.  My Mother taught me to stop and think about others feelings and treat people with love no matter what.  They are also
a tremendous example of love and dedication to each other in their marriage.  I love them so much!!!  They love life and people
and passed that down to me.
4 Big Brothers
3. Sam (the second in from the right):  My big brother that has always been my protector.  He has shown unconditional love
towards me all my life.  He cheers me on in all I do.  He has been an example of real "manliness" and is a source of strength
in my life. I love him!
4. Evan (far left):  Evan is one fun dude!  Out of everyone in my family, he is the most Christ-like.  He always brought a
stranger home for Thanksgiving because he didn't want them to be alone.  Or he'd pull over to chat with a homeless person
and make sure they knew that they were important.  He is very respective of people and accepting them for where they are now
and not judging or backbiting.  I love him for it.
5. Tom (far right): Tom is extremely honest and will always tell me how it is.  Like in high school, he informed me that
I was getting a mustache.  Not our finest hour together.  I was very emotional about it and locked myself in the bathroom. 
He sat outside the bathroom and did everything he could to help me feel better.  He was doing me a favor that if he noticed, 
others would too.  Which is true.  I toughened up and was grateful to have someone point out the obvious.  Tom was also my 
nurse whenever I was sick.  He took the time to make sure I was comfortable and had what I needed.  Also, he's hilarious. 
I love him for it.
6. James (the second in from the left):  James has taught me to love people for who they are.  He is everyone's friend and
willing to help whenever or wherever needed.  James has a big, tender heart.  Even though he doesn't dance much anymore, 
he was my dancing buddy in high school.  We had so much fun together.  He also brought over good looking friends for me 
to stare at.  That wasn't his intention but I sure appreciated it. :)  I love him.
7. Norma:  My one and only sister.  She's the one that had to deal with the younger siblings and our craziness.
She is a very conscientious person and made a deliberate effort to always have a presence in my life since she
left for college when I was 4.  She has given me wonderful opportunities and experiences.  She has shared with
me her life so I could learn from her experiences.  She has let me claim her children and love them like my own.
She has loved my children like they are her own.  She has always been my friend and ally in life.  I love her and
respect her for the outstanding human being that she is. 
I'm so grateful that I was born into a large family.  It was such a blessing to have such unique individuals that taught me
so much.  I must also point out that I have been blessed with extraordinary sisters in-law.  Kelli, Carrie, Krisha and
Catherine are amazing women.  I'm so grateful that my family doesn't speak ill of anyone in our family.  We love every
one and treat our sisters in-law like blood.  My brothers did extremely well in choosing their wives and I'm glad these
fine women thought they were worth it. :)

8. Jared:  Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed in a husband.  He knew I'd need someone consistent, hardworking,
modest, dashingly handsome, disciplined, quietly serves others, good to the core!!!!  Together we are like a Yin Yang. 
When we are at our best, we create harmony and balance.  I love his face.  I love his smile.  I love his butt (hehe). 
I love his heart.  I love his spirit.  He's mine
 The Hall Family
9 & 10) Jared's parents: John and Sarah --- I met them before I met Jared.  I was so impressed with this extremely quiet family. 
Jared and his siblings all have amazing work ethics, academic scholars, musically talented, strong in the Gospel and loyalty to
their families.  A tribute to the parents that raised them.  They continue to love and support their children as they are now all
grown.  Sarah and I have been friends from the beginning and I count myself blessed to get along so well with her. She makes
me laugh, a lot!
11. I can honestly say that I feel blessed to know all of Jared's siblings and siblings in-law.  I enjoy watching how they interact. 
It's much more cerebral than my upbringing.  They have traditions that that keep them close like ice cream, football, politics, etc...
12. Jared's sister, Rachel is a woman I greatly admire and love.  She is such an inspiration to me for her dedication to always grow as
a person and take care of her family. I love all of Jared's sisters in-law.  We seem to be cut from the same mold and always have a
party.  I respect all these fine ladies.
13. All my nieces and nephews.  I became an Aunt when I was 10 years old.  I have fallen in love with all those sweet children
(some of those sweet children are now independent college students).  I see the hand of God in all them.  They have such greatness
to each of them and the love and joy our family experiences just grows exponentially. Jared and I share 20 nieces and nephews.
What strength our family has in numbers.

 14. Audrey is a piece of work.  She is going to make me a better person whether I like it or not. She made me a mother.  She has
a sensitivity to right and wrong and trying to decide where she fits.  I'm impressed with her thoughtful nature as she strives to
figure out what she'll fight for.  I have no doubt she will be a force for great good.

15. Samuel is my little love bug.  He continues to soften our hearts with his tender expression of love through hugs, kisses and
us that we're the best.  He is so important to us.  He shows love to each and every one of us and always expresses his thanks for
all of us by name in his prayers.  In every prayer.  It is humbling and sweet to see his wonderful example.

16.  Eliza is a bossy boots.  But I find that she is more often than not correct.  She knows what we should be doing and is more
than happy to set us straight.  I love her.

17. Michael is still so young to really show us what we're up for but so far he has just filled us with such love and joy. He has united
the children in a way that melts my heart.  I see a group of children complete in their needs for support from each other.  They
all have a place and are all very important.  I'm so grateful to see His hand in the lives of my children and in our family as a whole.

18. Friends.  I can't mention them all but I have truly been blessed with friends that been patient with me as I continue to grow
and learn and relearn life lessons.  They inspire me with their unique passions and interests.  They have inspired me with their
many talents.  They have blessed me with their honest words and feedback to help me grow as a person.  I love them all.

19.  Strangers.  That may seem strange but I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life through strangers.  They have come into
my at critical times and have served me or said something that was divinely inspired.  They have shaped my course in life in a
way that I'll always be grateful for.

20. Neighbors.  I've been blessed with neighbors that I'm astonished by how well they keep track of me and everyone else.  They
exemplify "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself".  I've received phone calls and words of encouragement at times that only my Father
above would know I need.

21. Massage Therapy - I wanted to be a massage therapist since I was 8.  That was all I ever wanted to do and the Lord made it
possible for me to go to one of the top schools in the Nation.  He provided employment for my parents and put me in a
wonderful environment to grow and prepare to be trained in massage therapy and other healing arts.  He set the course long before
I knew what was going to happen.

22. Missionary service - I mentioned being a missionary already before.  But in regards to seeing the hand of God in my life.  Being
a missionary allowed me to truly be an instrument in His hands.  It was amazing to hear words coming out of my mouth that wasn't
from me but was exactly what someone needed to hear.  Or to be directed to visit someone and to later learn that I was an answer
to prayer.  That experience taught me so much about the person I want to be and how I want to always be on His errand to love
and serve others.

23. Marriage -  I saw the Lord's hand in my marriage before it was even official.  He continues to put a lot of energy in building
and strengthening my marriage.  I will have sweet tender mercies reminding me of how Jared and I are suppose to be together. 
The Lord has a work for us to do together and I'm excited to see what He wants to do with us.

24. Motherhood.  It's amazing the love I feel.  I've always had a lot of love but motherhood has taken it to a whole new level.
I can feel angels ministering to me and my children.  I can feel the Lord guiding me in how to raise each child to meet their
specific needs.  I'm humbled by just how much I have to step aside and let the Lord do what He does best. 

25. Health.  Especially in recent years, I have felt a steady urge to learn about what is healthy for our bodies.  I can feel the Lord
leading me and teaching me what I need to know to take care of the tabernacle that houses my spirit.

26. Nature.  I grew up in a gorgeous area in California.  It was picturesque.  I now live in Fargo across the street from a
beautiful park and river.  Nature always makes me think of my creator and that He made all this to bring us joy.  To show us what
He's capable of.  If He can turn Winter into Spring.  I know He can do something remarkable with me.

27. Music.  I can feel God's love through music.  It soothes my soul and I often am inspired to do something or write something down because of music. 

28. Books.  There is truth everyone.  God will show himself in all things and I keep finding Him in science books, nutrition books, health books and of course... religious books.  I am inspired in so many ways.

29. My country.  I'm so grateful to be an American.  I believe our country was founded by inspired men called of God to form
this great nation.  I continue to see His hand as families all over this nation prayer to have our country stay strong and be
protected from evil.  That is my prayer as well.

 30.  Lastly, but definitely not least.... temples.  Jared and I were married in the temple pictured.  Our marriage was sealed
and if we continue to follow Christ, our marriage will be eternal and our children will be ours always.  That promise
strengthens me and fortifies me to be the best I can be for them and for myself.  When Audrey was born, I felt the
magnitude of that sealing power and knew it wasn't just something sweet we do in the temple.  There is power in this
Priesthood ordinance.  I can feel the Lord blessing us and helping us to be successful.  My prayer is that we will make it
together as a family.  That is joy!

Great 30 years of life and I'm so excited for the next 30 years.  As long as I have my health, bring on the gray hair and wrinkles.
And I totally welcome menopause.  hehehe!

*I'm sure this has many spelling errors.  I apologize.  I have a birthday dinner to attend. :)  I love you, all!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

From Head to Toe

I think my bed must be the place I take the best pictures.  I dunno why but it works. haha!

In celebration for my birthday on Monday, I had a pretty sweet day.  This morning I did some yoga while my kids crawled over me.  Then my sister and I went to lunch and shared a sandwich at Eberts and Gerberts.  YUM!  Then we got pedicures together.  After that, I went and got a much needed haircut.  These pictures don't quite do my hair justice because I've been running around all day but I'm happy with it.  One of my favorite parts today was coming home to a house that was mostly picked up and dinner was going.  That was lovely. :)  

This picture is weird but I see people doing shots like this all the time but I never have.  Until tonight. The end.

Story Time: I have hobbit feet as you can see.  They are short, wide, stubby and let's me honest.... hairy!  But that isn't the story.  I just wanted to acknowledge what I know to be true and that I'm fine with it.  My feet have treated me well in my life.  The story is that my 4th toes (which I affectionately call my slugs) are somehow a dominant gene that has passed down from generations.  They are funny toes because they prefers to rest on their sides curled up.  Strange.  As far as I know, my great-grandmother (Muzzer), Grandma Mary, my Mom, myself and my little Audrey have been blessed with these beauties.  That is one way to feel connected to the women in my family. :)

Good night!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tis the Season for Sleep

"... cease to sleep longer than is needful;
retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary;
arise early, that your bodies and your minds
may be invigorated."

During the winter time, what is needful sleep may be longer.  Listen to your body to know what it needs.  Or pray to know how much sleep you need.  Prayer never fails me.

Just as the season changes, so do our bodies.  In this demanding world, we often don't take time to change our pace throughout the year depending on the season around us.  Our bodies need to arise in the Spring with fresh ideas, clean up from winter and get creative.  In the Summer, our bodies need to work and sweat and build.  Autumn we reap the rewards of our labors and gather up what we've accomplished.  Winter though is intended to be quiet, reflective and restful. 
I look out my bedroom window and see bare trees.  Everything outside is quiet and still.  The animals and plants are putting all their energy inward on their core and/or roots.  They must rest to really grow and thrive during the warmer months.
I own a couple books that I have really enjoyed studying up on this very topic.  One is called "Staying Healthy Through the Seasons" and the other is "The Way of the Happy Woman".  Both go into depth on how to direct our thoughts, exercise, pace and even the type of food we eat to help our bodies be fully nourished during a particular Season.
In Winter, we should be sleeping a lot more.  When I started writing on this blog, I made the goal to wake up at 5:30am.  I used the alarm on my phone to work on this goal.  Alarms are evil.  They have never been my friend.  My stubborn nature just wants to prove to the alarm that it isn't important and so I turn it off and keep sleeping.  This is the story of my life.  Alarms have always been a mere suggestion to my sleepy self.
A few days ago, I had the thought to set the intention before going to bed to wake up when my body and mind were ready.  That may sound silly because wouldn't we always wake up when our body is ready?  I don't think so.  Actually, I know so.  Years of sleeping in as a teenager did not improve my energy level or productivity.
So, I've been going to be around 9:30 every night and my body is naturally waking up around 5 am.  This is wild to me.  It is almost unbelievable because I've never been a morning person.  But maybe my body was sleeping too long?
In the winter, we're suppose to sleep more and rest during the day.  Since my body is waking me up so early, I have time for a great workout and to start my day off feeling strong and productive.  When the afternoon rolls around, my body is ready to slow down.  I'm allowing myself to do that.  So, I'll read to my children or fold laundry while they are watching a show.  Or I may just take a nap.
Listening to my body is awesome.  I don't always listen but when I do, I'm amazed at just how smart this body is.  Our Father in Heaven truly blessed us to have great joy inside our bodies. 
Give yourself permission to be more of a homebody;  to be restful and reflective.  Write in your journal. Listen to your body's natural rhythm. Go to bed earlier and allow your body to wake up when it's ready. 

Let sleep rejuvenate your soul!
Story Time: This was back in 2010 when Fargo was hit hard with blizzards.  It was the coldest winter I have experienced yet and hope to only relive it in my memories.
Confession:  I wish I had a picture to document it but this winter was my first winter to make a real snowman!  Every year, I set out to build a snowman and I always pick the worst day when the snow is crunchy.  The first snowstorm this year, Jared was home and thankfully informed me it was snowman snow-weather.  We all bundled up and made our snowmen.  Loved the time together to play, laugh and admire our work.  We also really enjoyed warming up with hot cocoa afterwards.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nothing like a massage at home

This is not a picture of me.... but I had a lot of tension in between my shoulder blades!!!

A perk of being a massage therapist is doing trades with fellow massage therapist friends.  I go to their house and vice versa.  It's lovely.  On Tuesday night, my good friend Randi came over to work on me. 
The type of massage I like to receive is not a "fluff and buff".  If I want results that will last then I get a therapeutic massage.  Therapeutic massage can come from a variety of different modalities but the common goal is to see over all change and improvement in the muscle tissue and body structure.  Randi delivered.  It hurt so good! 
Massage has several benefits.  It improves range of motion in joints, removes muscles tension, helps with pain management, increases blood and lymph circulation.  It can help with removing toxins from the body, improve digestion, headaches, etc.... and it always helps you relax.  You may not experience relaxation during the massage. Sometimes you may feel like you have to do some Lamaze breathing to cope with the intensity but the relaxation is always a byproduct.  Totally worth it.
Randi did such a great job releasing the tension in my rhomboids (muscles between your shoulder blades).  I have always been tight there.  The freedom I feel now in my shoulders and back is wonderful.  I slept extremely well that night and I still feel the effects and benefits from the massage a couple days later.
If you don't have a massage therapist, find one.  Especially if you struggle with being able to settle your body down at night to fall asleep.  Massage will help.  Find someone that will come to your home. That way, you don't have to climb into a car and get all tense again.  I love going to my clients homes. There is something comforting about getting a massage in the comfort of your own home. After the massage, you can just go to sleep.  Heaven.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What do I need to do today, to sleep well tonight?

Since the weekend, my days have not been as productive.  Daily house keeping suffers when I have sick children and I don't sleep well.  For myself, I thrive off of to-do lists.  I love to check off a list.  Something about it gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Also, having my to-do list in a visible place where I will see it frequently is important.  I have this huge white board (I got from my sister) in the hallway upstairs by my room and office.  It's in a great spot so I don't have to show it to everyone that comes over (except to everyone on the WWW).
I like to plan my day the night before.  It allows me to account for my day and plan accordingly for the next.  This habit helps me set goals and more easily achieve them.  I wasn't very good with my lists this weekend which I think contributed to my unproductivity.  But for the record, our bedrooms have stayed clean and my house hasn't gone to shambles.  As you see on my list, laundry needs attention. 
I sleep better with a list written down and not in my head.

Story Time: I made soap on Monday with my friend Brittany of Honey B Soap Company.  I was just going to do plain but she thought that was boring and brought over some fun lavadin oil and lavender flowers to use.  The batch makes 28 bars of soap.  This picture is before I cut it into bars.  When Sammy saw it, he said, "That is a BIG bar of soap, Mom."  Hahaha!  I had to laugh because the picture of me trying to wash my body with this hunk of soap was quite ridicules. :)

I love homemade soap.  It's free of chemicals and does a fantastic job.  Plus, it feels good to make something that will bless me and my family.

Audrey was playing with the phone while snuggling with Eliza on the bed.  Eliza was still pretty sick at this point.  We have continued the oil treatment every few hours.  It has helped a lot.  I also had her do some breathing treatments with our nebulizer but just used saline solution.  Eliza is a great patient.  She loves having oil rubbed on her chest and feet.  She loves to breath in the saline steam.  She drinks the lemon honey tea I make and says, "Nummy Tea, Mama".  Thankfully, she is over the worst.  The oils really helped her cough up a bunch of the crud in her chest (tmi).

Before you go to bed tonight, plan for tomorrow and ask yourself the question (today being tomorrow if that makes sense, haha),
"What do I need to do today, to sleep well tonight?"

That question has helped improve my day and my night.  Happy sleeping!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blood and Hacking up a lung!

Story Time: On Saturday night, it was just me and the kids (Jared went on a spontaneous road trip with his brother to a Vikings game).  Everyone was settled in for bed.  I went to bed and was ready for some great sleep.  12:30 am: I hear screaming.  My sweet Sammy woke up with a bloody nose (he wiped a small sample on the wall... gross!).  He is prone to nosebleeds but it has never come at night.  That was pretty scary for the little man.  So he slept in bed with me and wanted me to hold him just so.  The girls found their way into my bed as well and were kicking each other and crying.  So I had to carry them back to bed and re-tuck them in.  It was so disruptive that it made getting us all ready for church an emotional adventure.
Michael slept through the night.  Lucky boy!

It just occurred to me that there is probably a way to help nose bleeds with E.O.  Oh well, next time I'll try out what I read.

Story Time #2: Yesterday I was running errands with a friend while kids were on a play date.  When I went to pick up the kids, Eliza was coughing nonstop.  I felt bad for her spreading germs with the other children.  Her cough continued to be constant throughout the evening and was extremely uncomfortable.  I got out my E.O. reference book and double checked on which oils I should use for her cough.  I love to play with oils and see what they'll do.  Since her coughing was one after the other, I decided to go full force. 

I put a drop or 2 of each oil in the palm of my left hand and then some (not much) V-6 oil to dilute it just a bit so it wasn't too intense on her skin.  With the tips of my fingers on my right hand, I would mix the oil in a *clockwise circular motion (there is a reason for that).  Then I applied the oil to her chest and neck and feet.  She would calm down almost immediately and this would settle her cough down to almost nothing for 2-3 hours.  We repeated this process throughout the night.  She's still coughing but not nearly as much as yesterday.  We'll continue to do this today. 

It amazes me how much the oils comfort my children as well.

These are the oils I used for various reason to combat all potential reasons for her cough:

1. Frankincense: Among many things, it is anti-catarrhal, anti-infectious, expectorant, immune-stimulant, and sedative.  It helps with asthma, colds, coughs, inflammation, respiratory problems, tension and strengthens the immune system.
2. Eucalyptus radiata: Anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and expectorant. Helps with bronchitis, sinusitis and many other things.
3. Melaleuca alternifolia: Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-viral, decongestant, expectorant, and immune stimulant. Helps with the respiratory system, bronchitis, colds, coughs and lots more. 

4. Peppermint: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, etc... and among other things it helps with asthma, bronchitis, fever, respiratory function, and FATIGUE.
5. R.C.: Blend with Eucalyptus (E. globulus), Myrtle, Pine, Marjoram, Eucalyptus radiate, Eucalyptus citirodora, Lavender, Cypress, Tsuga, Peppermint.  Helps with Respiratory System, decongest, allergy-type symptoms, coughs, lung congestion.
6. Thieves: Blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiate, and Rosemary cineol.  Helps with bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, infection, viruses, flue, etc... 
* The reason why you mix the oil in your hand in a clockwise circular motion is because it sets the oil molecules in a clockwise spin.  This is important because the cells in our body also rotate in a clockwise spin.  When applying oils to the body that have been mixed this way, it improves the quality of cell absorption in the body.  Interesting huh?  Science is fascinating.  Of course, you will still receive benefits if you don't do this.
Here's to healthy children and a better nights rest tonight!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Water and Sleep

Whenever I do massage and/or talk to my clients, the first thing I recommend to them is drink lots of water.  It is usually my answer for everything.  If my children are sad or hurt, they now ask for water because I usually offer it to them to help them calm down and because our body needs it.  Lots of it!

We should be drinking at least half our body weight in ounces.  So, if you weigh 140 lbs, drink 70 oz of water.  Often times when we have headaches, or our body aches and is restless, it is a sign that it needs water. 

Water helps us think better, feel better and sleep better.  Some people hate to drink water because they don't like having to use the restroom so much.  Well, that is a price we pay for health.  We can also train our bladder to hold longer.

There is much I could say on this subject.  My focus right now is on improving my sleep.  To improve your sleep, avoid eating anything at least a hour before bedtime (two is better) and drink lots of water or have tea before bedtime.  It will help your body prepare to detox and cleanse while you're sleeping.  Your muscles will have the lubrication they need to relax and not fidget.  Your mind will be more settled.  It will also help drop some weight. :)

If you aren't accustomed to drinking water at night, there may be an adjustment period where you have to get up to use the bathroom.   Prepare yourself for this by putting a nightlight in the bathroom so you don't have to wake your body up too much to use the restroom.  Try to stay as sleepy as possible.

So go get yourself a nice big glass of water and drink up!!!  I'm going to do that right now and get ready for some shut eye.  Sleep well!

P.S.  In the left column is a link to become a follower of my blog.  Then you can get updates for when I post something new.  Please join. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Give it up....

There are hundreds of ways to meditate and ponder.  This past week, I've been making a special effort to take time to ponder and reflect on my life in a positive way.  One thing I noticed right away was it was more difficult to fall asleep if I had anything weighing on my mind.  Maybe it was something I neglected to do that day or a concern I had that needed to be addressed but wasn't sure how to go about it.  Whatever the problem, during my evening prayer, I gave it to the Lord.  One of my favorite scriptures that goes along with this topic is found in Alma 37:36-37 of The Book of Mormon:

Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
There is a lot I could say about these verses but I'll point out a couple: 
1) We should spend our day giving it all to the Lord and lie down unto Him at night.  Lay down our troubles, worries, heartache, guilt or whatever it may be.  Let Him watch over you while you sleep.  Sleep is so critical to our holistic health.  Sleep is the time our body detoxes and cleanses itself.  While we sleep, our brain organizes and stores information and memories in categories to help us function (which is why we don't mentally operate as sharply when we have disturbed sleep). 
2)  Once I give it up to Him and let it go, it is such a comforting thought to know that He is watching out for me while I'm resting and my body is working so hard to rejuvenate and help me live optimally.  I've tried to take this time while drifting off to sleep to allow my mind to reflect on his many tender mercies in my life.  I allow my body to feel of His infinite love and put my trust in Him. 
When I wake up, I can't help but give thanks for all that I have.  Gratitude is a beautiful way to start the day. 
This image is so innocent and sweet.  We are to be like little children with their humble, teachable natures.
Story time:  Audrey has offered up the same prayer every night before bed for almost a year now.  It goes something like this, "Heavenly Father, please protect my room so no monsters come into my room. Please protect Mommy's room so no monsters come into her room.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  Sometimes she'll insert ghosts.  I'm not sure what made her decide to pray for this but I can stand as a witness that our home is protected from mean ghosts and monsters. :) I know she's thinking of spooky monsters that you see in cartoons but I think of real monsters in the world and am grateful she is offering a prayer to protect our home from evil.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tea please...

I need to go to the store and buy more Chamomile Tea
My body feels crummy from not eating well today.  I just wanted a nice cup of tea to calm my body.  Most stores carry tea to aid sleep.  I love the flavor and aroma of Chamomile as well as quieting the body and mind.

Nighty Night®
Peppermint Tea isn't normally associated with assisting with sleep but I think it indirectly helps.  If I eat poorly than my sleep will suffer. It is common to drink Peppermint tea after dinner to help with digestion and then it could improve sleep. I need to add this to my grocery list.

Story Time: When I was 5 or 6 years old, my parents went to Canada for some reason and returned home with  a souvenir.  This mug.  Whenever my Mom would make me tea, she'd put it in this cup for me and remind me of how special and important I was to her.  This common exchange always warmed my heart, soul and quite literally my little body.  That memory continues to fill me with love for my Mother.

Which Essential Oils improve Sleep?

Lavender is well known for its relaxing properties.  It is one of my favorite oils.  It helps with burns, acne, bites, etc... and with sleeping!  You can put some on your feet or rub it along your spine. You can either put it on your hands and breath in the vapors or diffuse it.  I do this with my kiddos as well. I don't put oils on their hands though because they may forget and touch their eyes.  E.O. are eye irritants.

For those reading that may not be familiar with essential oils, allow me to give a brief explanation.  There are 2 types of oils that a plant produces.  There is the fatty oil found in nuts and seeds and its main purpose is to provide nourishment to help the seed or nut grow into a plant.  The other oil isn't fatty, it is extremely refined and is essentially the blood for the plant, hence "essential" oil.  It is vital for plants survival and can greatly (sometime dramatically) improve our wellbeing as well.  

Gathering is a blend of Lavender, Galbanum, Frankincense Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Spruce, Cinnamon Bark, Rose, and Sandalwood.  From my reading, it is an amplifier for other oils but alone it amplifiers and "gathers" our thoughts, feelings, emotions. Be sure that when you're using it, especially for sleep, that you're focusing on positive thoughts and feelings. 

If you struggle with Restless Leg Syndrome, you can use this with Lavender and it will amplify the relaxation benefits of lavender.  I don't have RLS, so I haven't experimented with it.  If you have RLS, play around with it and see what works for you.  I'd put it on my feet and legs and breath it in.

The process to collect the oil from the plants is a very delicate process.  Thy use a cold press or low temperature steam distillation process.  The process needs to be gentle in order to keep the oil in its purest state.  Otherwise, it will be chemically altered and lose its therapeutic/healing abilities. 

Peace & Calming is a blend of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Blue Tansy.  I will use Peace & Calming whenever I'm stressed, overwhelmed or ready to sleep.  It is wonderful to diffuse or put on your feet or just sniff. I highly recommend this for children when they are throwing fits or you want to help them settle down.
I've put this in their baths if I'm anxious for them to relax. :)

Chemists have studied the chemical structure of essential oils and have discovered that due to the complicated structure, each oil is capable of helping with a wide variety of ailments  I took a class on essential oils a couple years ago and my instructor had his PhD in Chemistry and was a retired Methodist Minister. He described E.O. having the "pure word of God" in them and were able to enter the body and do whatever the body was needing at that time. 

I haven't used Myrtle myself. When I reading up on E.O. that help with sleep, I learned that if your sleep deprivation is hormonally related, this oil will help.   Sounds fantastic!!! I'll have to try this.  I'm sure I have plenty of hormonal imbalances. :)

If you're looking into getting oils for yourself, I personally use Young Living Oils because of their long history and outstanding reputation of producing quality oils.  I know friends who use DoTERRA and also have found wonderful results.  Whatever you decide, just do the research to make sure the oils aren't being damaged in the distillation process. They must be therapeutic grade in order to have healing properties. Good luck!

Story time: When Audrey was 2, we were in Utah for family reunions.  During the reunions, I was in a 4 day intensive training on Raindrop Therapy with CARE in SLC.  I had purchased some oils for everyday use.  The night before driving back home, Audrey got very sick.  I wasn't sure what to do.  Then I remembered my oils.  So I knelt down and asked Heavenly Father to tell me what to do with these "things".  I had a clear impression which I promptly followed.  I repeated the process throughout the night when she'd wake up again.  Her symptoms improved greatly!  To this day if Audrey isn't feeling well, she specifically asks for the oils.  My other children love them too. They work!!!

*The oils I've shared on this post are not the only oils that improve sleep.  I just wanted to highlight a few.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Purposeful bedtime routine

Early on in our parenthood, we were very consistent with bedtime.  The kids are in bed between 7:30 and 8pm.  No questions.  We needed our evenings to ourselves.  Fortunately, our children like going to sleep (except Eliza, she's more of a night owl.  She will end up looking through books for awhile before falling asleep).  Audrey and Sammy will regularly tell us they are tired and ask us to put them to bed.  It's is a blessing. 
Our evening routine looks like this:

After dinner, the kids have a bath every other night.  Tonight was bath time.  Audrey and Eliza usually have fun together except Eliza was kind of mad in this picture at Audrey for getting water in her face.  Audrey for whatever reason decided she had to wear her swimsuit.  I'm flexible.  Sammy bathed before them.

Brush Teeth.  They all like to brush their teeth but I usually have to do touch ups afterwards. 
Story time:  When Sammy was 2, he jumped off the couch and hit his front tooth on the coffee table and killed it.  Very sad.  A year later, he got an abscess above the dead tooth.  After 3 months of waiting, he went in and had his tooth pulled out while he was under anesthesia.  Not fun.  Just the other night Sammy told me that he missed his tooth and wish it hadn't died. :(

Then we read stories.  Tonight was a bit random.  Jared was reading to Sammy.  I was reading to Audrey.  I found Eliza like this.  Then I read to both the girls in their room.  There was a lot of moving around.

Family prayer.  Hugs, kisses, everyone is tucked in. FYI... Michael usually is in bed before a lot of this process. 

Here I am.  Kids finally in bed.  I'm ready to slow down.  Thankfully my house has stayed clean.  Bedrooms are still in order.  Woohoo!  I have a couple loads of laundry to fold but I'll do that tomorrow.  My goal is to be in bed by 9:30 and wake up at 6:30 (I know I said in a previous post 5:30, I've been trying to but I'm just not ready to wake up.  I have years of sleep deprivation to recover from).

My bedtime routine has been a little more sporadic.  I'm working on being more consistent.  This is what I'm doing:
  • I'm making a conscious effort to not watch TV or get on the computer the last 30 minutes before bed or longer.  The reason is that it's too much visual stimulation for our eyes and brain.  It makes it more difficult for our minds to shutdown. 
  • make sure my body is warm enough (it's cold where I live)
  • brush teeth, wash face, foot cream (like you want to know all this... haha.  Sorry.)
  • I love putting on Pandora while I'm reading or journaling. 
  • put lavender essential oil on my feet and breath it in for a bit
  • say my prayers
  • doing some relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to try to quiet my mind
  • make sure my body is warm enough (it's cold where I live)
I'm excited with how I'm feeling so far and know that I only have one direction to go and that's up. :)  I better get ready to sleep.  Goodnight.