Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What do I need to do today, to sleep well tonight?

Since the weekend, my days have not been as productive.  Daily house keeping suffers when I have sick children and I don't sleep well.  For myself, I thrive off of to-do lists.  I love to check off a list.  Something about it gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Also, having my to-do list in a visible place where I will see it frequently is important.  I have this huge white board (I got from my sister) in the hallway upstairs by my room and office.  It's in a great spot so I don't have to show it to everyone that comes over (except to everyone on the WWW).
I like to plan my day the night before.  It allows me to account for my day and plan accordingly for the next.  This habit helps me set goals and more easily achieve them.  I wasn't very good with my lists this weekend which I think contributed to my unproductivity.  But for the record, our bedrooms have stayed clean and my house hasn't gone to shambles.  As you see on my list, laundry needs attention. 
I sleep better with a list written down and not in my head.

Story Time: I made soap on Monday with my friend Brittany of Honey B Soap Company.  I was just going to do plain but she thought that was boring and brought over some fun lavadin oil and lavender flowers to use.  The batch makes 28 bars of soap.  This picture is before I cut it into bars.  When Sammy saw it, he said, "That is a BIG bar of soap, Mom."  Hahaha!  I had to laugh because the picture of me trying to wash my body with this hunk of soap was quite ridicules. :)

I love homemade soap.  It's free of chemicals and does a fantastic job.  Plus, it feels good to make something that will bless me and my family.

Audrey was playing with the phone while snuggling with Eliza on the bed.  Eliza was still pretty sick at this point.  We have continued the oil treatment every few hours.  It has helped a lot.  I also had her do some breathing treatments with our nebulizer but just used saline solution.  Eliza is a great patient.  She loves having oil rubbed on her chest and feet.  She loves to breath in the saline steam.  She drinks the lemon honey tea I make and says, "Nummy Tea, Mama".  Thankfully, she is over the worst.  The oils really helped her cough up a bunch of the crud in her chest (tmi).

Before you go to bed tonight, plan for tomorrow and ask yourself the question (today being tomorrow if that makes sense, haha),
"What do I need to do today, to sleep well tonight?"

That question has helped improve my day and my night.  Happy sleeping!



  1. I love to do lists also! I'm constantly making lists and it drives Daniel crazy! lol

  2. Wow, if you lived close to my daughters (especially michelle) I bet she'd love to make soap with you.
