Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bare bones...

Despite a wonderful weekend, reality is ever present.  Eliza is feeling better and now Sammy's working the cold and cough.  In winter, illness feels cyclical.  At least that is how it seems at this stage in our family.  We all rested a lot to day and I just focused on the bare bones of life. 

With that said, I'm proud to say all our bedrooms are clean. We read a lot of books.  We watched some shows together. My children went to bed without complaint.  I'm sipping chamomile tea.  My mind is preparing to shut down to maintenance mode and let my body do it's rejuvenating magic.  Sounds wonderful. 

Story time: Sam and Eliza took naps today to help combat their lingering colds.  Samuel asked me why this was important.  The following is my attempt to explain this concept to a 4 year old boy.  I said, "Our blood has white blood cells that are like little soldiers to fight off all germs and bugs that get into our body to make us sick.  When you sleep, it allows these soldiers to work extra hard to help your body win the battle."  That seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

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