Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I am not an island

Today I was reminded of an important lesson; that we weren't brought to Earth to figure life out alone.  We don't have to tackle obstacles by ourselves.  We are suppose to allow the hand of the Lord to bless our lives and guide us on our journey.  More often than not, His hand may come in the form or a mother, father, sister, brother, neighbor, stranger or friend. 
Today the Lord blessed me through my dear friend, Brittany.  She called me up and told me she was coming over to help me get life in order after the chaos I've experienced lately.  Typically I shun this type of gesture away out of embarrassment but mostly pride.  I have this notion that I have to do things on my own or I won't be a fit wife or mother.  That sort of thinking is ridicules.  We will burn out if we don't accept help from others.  We'll also burn out if we don't reach out to others.  Here is one of my favorite quotes on that note:
“The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more significant individuals as we serve others. We become more substantive as we serve others—indeed, it is easier to “find” ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!”
Spencer W. Kimball
I'm so grateful for friends like Brittany that follow the promptings of the Spirit and is truly my sister.  I love her.  We will thrive in life if we help and serve one another. 

Story time: This is me and Brittany at a Relief Society Meeting this Summer working on baby quilts.  I think we already knew we both shared hippie hearts at that point.  I do recall that we bonded over a common love for coconut oil and chemical free products. Brittany practices what she preaches and makes AMAZING chemical free soaps, lotion bars and more! 
Check out her website: 
 The Honey B Soap Company

1 comment:

  1. It helps to have support. I know I get the super woman complex sometimes but I'm trying to let that go. You don't have to do everything and by yourself! It's okay to ask for help sometimes.
