Friday, January 4, 2013

Tea please...

I need to go to the store and buy more Chamomile Tea
My body feels crummy from not eating well today.  I just wanted a nice cup of tea to calm my body.  Most stores carry tea to aid sleep.  I love the flavor and aroma of Chamomile as well as quieting the body and mind.

Nighty Night®
Peppermint Tea isn't normally associated with assisting with sleep but I think it indirectly helps.  If I eat poorly than my sleep will suffer. It is common to drink Peppermint tea after dinner to help with digestion and then it could improve sleep. I need to add this to my grocery list.

Story Time: When I was 5 or 6 years old, my parents went to Canada for some reason and returned home with  a souvenir.  This mug.  Whenever my Mom would make me tea, she'd put it in this cup for me and remind me of how special and important I was to her.  This common exchange always warmed my heart, soul and quite literally my little body.  That memory continues to fill me with love for my Mother.

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