Saturday, January 12, 2013

From Head to Toe

I think my bed must be the place I take the best pictures.  I dunno why but it works. haha!

In celebration for my birthday on Monday, I had a pretty sweet day.  This morning I did some yoga while my kids crawled over me.  Then my sister and I went to lunch and shared a sandwich at Eberts and Gerberts.  YUM!  Then we got pedicures together.  After that, I went and got a much needed haircut.  These pictures don't quite do my hair justice because I've been running around all day but I'm happy with it.  One of my favorite parts today was coming home to a house that was mostly picked up and dinner was going.  That was lovely. :)  

This picture is weird but I see people doing shots like this all the time but I never have.  Until tonight. The end.

Story Time: I have hobbit feet as you can see.  They are short, wide, stubby and let's me honest.... hairy!  But that isn't the story.  I just wanted to acknowledge what I know to be true and that I'm fine with it.  My feet have treated me well in my life.  The story is that my 4th toes (which I affectionately call my slugs) are somehow a dominant gene that has passed down from generations.  They are funny toes because they prefers to rest on their sides curled up.  Strange.  As far as I know, my great-grandmother (Muzzer), Grandma Mary, my Mom, myself and my little Audrey have been blessed with these beauties.  That is one way to feel connected to the women in my family. :)

Good night!

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