Sunday, February 3, 2013

Goodbye January/Welcome February

January has been a great experience while I've focused on improving my sleep.  Overall, I would say it was successful.  My children are sleeping better.  I'm waking up in the morning surprised that I slept all night.  I feel much more rested.  This past week, though, was not my finest in regard to going to bed at a decent hour.

I will confess, I have an addictive personality.  If I start something, I go OCD and have to finish it.  Great for when I'm cleaning, terrible when it's a fictional book or TV show.  I had two shows that sucked me in.  I watched the rest of Season 3 of Downton Abbey and I did a marathon of The Big Bang Theory. 

How was I able to do this?  Jared was out of town all week and my kids go to bed early enough that TV would take up my evenings.  Downton Abbey killed me.  I cried myself to sleep.  The Big Band Theory is just strange in a humorous way.  It gives me a glimpse into all the nerdy gamer boys I know.  What a trip!  I must say, I'm not proud of myself.

On to February.  This month is associated with expressing love.  I am going to spend this month making a more conscientious effort to not only express my love for my family and friends but to make sure my thoughts are charitable as well (especially towards myself.... something for me to work on this month as well).

Maybe it's Winter blues, I don't know, but I am in a bit of a funk.  I miss the Sun, I miss fresh outdoor air that doesn't freeze my nose hair and burn my lungs (because it's SOOOOOO COLD!).  My children and I have been experiencing cabin fever.  February is the worst part of Winter in North Dakota.  The wind chill is brutal and everyone hunkers down and prays for it to pass quickly.

In my attempt to thrive in February, I will continue to work on improving my sleep and I will be expressing a lot of love and helping my children make more of an effort to express love to each other, their parents and friends.  This exercise will bring much needed warmth to our heart and souls. 

Story Time: Here's someone I love; my Michael.  This video was taken a couple weeks ago when he turned 6 months old.  He's rocking and rolling and hoping to start movin' asap. I got to say, this love of mine not only has my heart but he's captured the heart of his brother and sisters.  They can't get enough of him.  He can't get enough of their adoration.  I never realized the immense joy I would experience watching my children show love towards each other.  No words.  I'm so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Your comment about the joy you feel watching your kids show love to one another reminds me of our Heavenly Father and how he must feel when we show love, service, etc to one another.
