Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...

This month I have felt like a little engine that can but instead of doing, I've just looked at where I'm small and weak.  The little engine wasn't anything particularly special but it was his drive and willingness that brought about a great good. 

So, when I have felt my insignificance, I have tried to tell myself "I think I can"-type affirmations.  I will become a disciplined person.  I can do all things in Christ which strengthenth me.  I will get my body back.  I can live a life of order.  You get the idea. 

Maybe that is part of Winter.  It is a time for deep reflection.  Not necessarily a time to beat up on myself but to quietly and truthfully reflect on where I am at in this current phase in life.  Evaluate how I am developing myself and begin to reshape myself by planting the thoughts and ideas that I can work on through Spring and Summer months. 

I will continue to strive to reflect and set goals that will be nurtured in the coming months.  For now, I will sleep and dream of the beauty that is to come in my life.    I think I can.... I think I can..... I think I can..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... 

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