Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sugar won't be the death of me. IT WON'T!!!!

Story Time: A friend dropped off some killer brownies that the kids really enjoyed.  Eliza decided to share some with Michael.  I wasn't aware of that fact until I came in and found him like this.  I think sugar is crack for babies.  He went CRAZY.  I'm not exaggerating.  I had never seen him be so out of control physically and emotionally.  It was nuts.  Will have to keep an eye on this one. :)

I'm feeling quite frustrated with myself.  So, a few weeks after I completed my Candida Cleanse, I was feeling pretty great and then while Jared was out of town and I was up late... I wanted chocolate.  So I got myself chocolate.  It hasn't been pretty since then.  So, clearly my issue is more than Candida.  There is an emotional element to it.  I need to figure out why I'm addicted.  What "hunger" do I have that I'm trying to fill with sugar?  Clearly it's not satisfying me. Just incase, I've started up the EOs again to kill off any yeast and I'm hoping it'll suppress my desire for it. 

What amazes me is just how much sugar effects me.  My brain gets foggy. I don't sleep well.  I have less energy during the day.  I struggle to hold a single thought and carry the thought process to a satisfying conclusion.  I just jump around with a billion thoughts in my head.  I've see a clear impact on my ability to pray and/or meditate.  I can hardly center myself and focus on communing with the Lord or hold to a affirmation.   

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a law of health that we call the Word of Wisdom.  It's pretty basic; abstain from alcohol, tea (Black, Green, etc.... herbal is fine), drugs, tobacco, coffee AND eat essentially wholefoods; with lots of fruits, veggies, herbs, grain and meat sparingly.  There are physical and spiritual blessings promised for caring for our bodies.  In Doctrine & Covenants Section 89, the promises are:

 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
The Word of Wisdom doesn't mention sugar.  I do believe though that these blessings apply when we put healthy food into our bodies and abstain from harmful substances.  Sugar is a harmful substance.  When I avoid it, I run better, think better, perform better and just feel 100 times better.  I feel of those blessings.
I need to get serious and figure out how to overcome this addiction.  I think I'll do some EFT.  I'll tell you about EFT tomorrow. :)


  1. Hello, my name is Krisha and I am a sugar addict. Ok, wheew. There, it's out for all the world. Seriously though, I relate to this. I am on day three of detox from a long, LONG addiction to a certain bubbly beverage (ahem-Dr. Pepper) and refined sugar in general. It took me a really long time to first realize the direct affects it was having not only on my body physically, but also why there was such an emotional element that turned it into a habit. I realized it was an addiction after trying to quit more times than I have fingers to count. It took some very serious introspective meditation to figure it out, and months to get to a place mentally to actually commit to getting healthy for real. Your blog is awesome, Marv. I feel your pain on this one - and quite literally. Detox hurts. ILY!

    1. Thanks, Krish! Nice to know we're not alone. You're awesome for starting the detox. Good work! I love you, too!
