Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chest Cold and how I'm fighting it...

My sweet husband shared his chest cold with me.  It hit me full force yesterday and I'm continuing to fight it today.  Here is what I'm doing to fight it off:  

1) First thing I have in the morning (after drinking a whole lot of water) is have a cup of Kefir. This is already a habit of mine but I know it's going to fill my gut with good probiotics to help my digestion and improve my immune system. (I'm going to get some kefir grains and start making my own. More economical and from what I see, it is super easy)

2) I make a quart of green smoothie and drink it all.  Well, Eliza and Sam usually want a sip but I drink the majority of it.  Mine aren't usually green because I put in frozen berries.  I put in Kale for my greens usually because it is richly dense with vitamins and minerals. :) This is also a daily habit I've had for almost a year.
3) For lunch, I've been eating a HUGE salad.  I mean, I chop up an entire head of romaine (sometimes mix it with other spring greens and basil).  Then I chop up a tomato, green onion, sprinkle kelp granules, avocado (if I have any on hand. The salad is so creamy), some nuts and/or beans and feta cheese (because I want to).  Then I splash some lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and flaxseed oil.  This meal completely satisfies me for the rest of the day. 

4) Since I've been sick, I've been drinking heated up broth in place of supper.  I'm not really hungry but the broth feels wonderful.

5) I also make myself lemon honey tea and drink lots of it.  Lots of water!!!!

6) I have been taking a tsp of apple cider vinegar straight.  Wowsers, that is strong but it really helps the body ward of illness and restores a healthy pH balance in the body and improves metabolic rate. It can do way more than that. Wonderful stuff.

7. Specifically for my cold, I've been rolling on my sinus and chest, Breath Again Essential oil blend.  I've been sniffing and putting on my chest and feet Eucalyptus EO (this helps break up mucus) and Peppermint (helps magnify other oils and with respiratory problems).  I've also been using the RC blend which stands for "respiratory condition".  It helps with breathing.    

8. Giving myself permission to rest and let my children play around me.  They have been very creative today building forts and enjoying the time together using their imaginations.  They also enjoy snuggling with me.  They've been sick too but it hasn't wiped them out like me. 

9. Because I'm so anxious to get this cold out of my system, I just started today and put some Bentonite clay in capsules and took it internally.  The negative charges of the clay attracts the charges of toxins in the body.  They bind together and exit your body because our body isn't able to absorb clay.  It's an ancient practice that is starting to get more attention again.

I'll let you know how it helps me.  I have my 5K run this Saturday and want to feel "tip top" for it. :)
I was a little surprised that I even got sick.  I've been eating extremely well and taking very good care of my body.  The only thing I can think of is that I had a minor medical procedure done last week and they gave me antibiotics through an IV.  Antibiotics weakens the immune system.  Luckily with all the kefir and good food I've been taking, I feel like my strength will return quickly. 

 ***** I did Day 2 of the 21-day Meditation Challenge.  My children were feeling a need to be near me so it was more difficult to focus today.  I think I may do it again tonight as I go to sleep. If you haven't looked into it yet, it's worth a try.  It is free.  The whole thing lasts 16 minutes which is a nice jumpstart. 


  1. Marvia, I've got extra kefir grains you are welcome to them if you are going to be down here any time soon.

    1. Of course you have Kefir grains. :) I wish I was coming down soon so I could visit you and get some grains. Does your family enjoy Kefir? My children and I love it.

  2. The fam loves the kefir. We have it in smoothies or I just blend it with some fruit and stevia. I also like using it as a substitute for buttermilk in homemade ranch dressing.
