Friday, March 15, 2013

Candida Cleanse -- Long post

In January I was introduced to Candida cleansing from a friend.  I'm familiar with Candida but never thought about doing a cleanse before until it was presented to me.  Candida is a yeast-y bacteria that feeds off of sugar.  It is found in the colon and is good if kept at bay.  There are many ways that candida can form an overgrowth (antibiotics, poor diet, etc...) and it will spread throughout the body.  A few of the symptoms are: fatigue, yeast infections, sugar cravings, fuzzy brain, weight problems,  you get the idea.  You can take a questionnaire online and see if your physical ailments are caused from candida overgrowth.

How to do a Candida Cleanse?  Well, while researching I discovered that there are many ways to rid your body of candida.  One way that has worked for many people is using coconut oil.  I'll have to dedicate a post to just talk about coconut oil, it is AMAZING.  In connection with candida, you would take a therapeutic amount of coconut oil daily (slowly work up to 3 tablespoons a day) and do so until your symptoms go away. 

Coconut oil is antimicrobial and when you get a therapeutic amount of it, it will kill the candida.  I did this for a while and I definitely felt improvement in my digestion, energy level but I still craved sugar and carbs. 

So, I decided to start using essential oils (are you surprised?) to treat my candida.  There are several suggested blends of oils to take internally to kill the candida.  While reading up on everything, I made my own blend. 

Before I proceed, I want to say that I was prayerful in what to take.  The Essential Oils handbook recommended diluting the oils in a carrier oil (like olive oil or grapeseed oil) because the strength of the essential oils are intense.  When I took the questionnaire for candida, I was ranked very high on it.  This is a big problem for me.  So I decided to do it neat (without carrier oils).  If you decide to do this, please further your research or pray about it to know what is best for you.  It isn't going to hurt you, but you may start detoxing so intensely that it is extremely uncomfortable. Feel free to contact me too and I am happy to help you figure out what approach may be best for you. :)

So this is what I did:

I purchased a lot of capsules to put the EO in. 
6 drops of Oregano. In connection with candida, it is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory.  THIS KILLS BAD THINGS!!!!  On a side note, oregano helps with allergies.  Years ago, I would put it under my tongue and it burns like no other but my allergies improved.  After doing this cleanse, I went to a friend's how today with cats and a dog (I'm very allergic to cats and dog fur and I didn't have a single symptom.  That is unheard of for me)

2-3 drops of Grapefruit.  In connection with candida (and because I want to shed fat from my body), it is a metabolic stimulant, antiseptic, detoxifying, diuretic, fat dissolving, cleansing for kidney, lymphatic and vascular system, antidepressant. I LOVE GRAPEFRUIT EO.  I put it in my water to drink as well.  Wonderful stuff.

2-3 drops of Lemon.  This is more for digestion and losing weight as well.  My candida really shows in my weight so I wanted to combat my weight on many angles.  Lemon is antiseptic, immune stimulant (increases white blood cells), helps with obesity, parasites, digestive problems. (FYI... when a person struggles with candida, parasites often are present as well.  Gross, I know.  I have no idea if I have that problem)

2 Drops of Clove. Clove is anti-aging, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, stomach-protectant (ulcers).  Used for intestinal parasites.
2 Drops of Thieves.  Blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark (antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal), Eucalyptus (antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory), Rosemary (antiseptic and antimicrobial)
So, I basically took a very powerful all natural "potion" to kill off all that Candida.  AND IT WORKED!!! Like the routine I mentioned in my post about Chest Colds.  I'd have my probiotics in the morning with my kefir (and I took some probiotic supplements as well to really boost that good bacteria in my body).  But to allow the probiotics to really be a blessing to my body, I wouldn't take the EO blend until the evening before I went to bed.  Then I let those good guys go fight my fight.
The first thing I noticed was I immediately had no desire for sugar.  NONE.  It was more social pressure that I had to work with.  My appetite decreased.  TRULY.  It was incredible to me.  The result was so drastic.  I would still put coconut oil in my green smoothies as well because it is soooooo good for our body.  But it was the essential oil that really made the difference.  
I've been eating extremely healthy which starves the candida as well but it hasn't been a challenge.  My body doesn't desire sugar. 
As far as how long to do this.  I just listened to my body.  I started out filling 2 capsules full of EO and taking it orally every night.  With 3 days, I experienced the "die off" which isn't pleasant.  It's when you body starts to detox when all the candida is dying.  If you detox too quickly, it can be rough.  I also noticed that my kidneys were achy a little bit.  I didn't feel like I was damaging anything but I also wanted to respect my body and so I went to 1 capsule and took some supplements to help my body eliminate the toxins more quickly.  Bentonite clay was one thing I used to help my body have a more graceful die-off. 
After a few more days I went back to 2 and did that for a week or more.  Then I went back to one capsule a day.  Just a couple days ago, I went to make it and I just felt done.  I can't explain it.  My body felt done.  Its nice to trust that my body will tell me what it needs. 

I did this for 3 weeks and my body shed off 9 lbs off my body.  It is being soooo good to me.  I'm very happy with how I'm feeling.  I'm grateful to have a knowledge of essential oils.  They are a gift from God.

***** Day 4 and 5 of the 21-Day Meditation was great!  I hope you'll check it out. 
******** Tomorrow is my 5K run.  We just had a huge storm today in Fargo.  We'll see how tomorrow looks.  I bought some warm gear to run in but we'll see.  I'll let you know.  If I run it, then I think I pass the test of being true North Dakotan. :)  Maybe I should say a true Califordakotan.  I dunno. :)

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